...and with it a lot of activities, holidays, few sick days, new calling and of course, sweets. The kids attended 2 birthday parties - Kevin from Valentina's class and Peyton from church. There was a Fall Festival held at church with costumes, trunk-or-treating, games, face painting for which I volunteered to help. Well, I also had my own birthday this month. There was also a Community Garage sale at Eagleridge, which was worth mentioning because this was my first ever garage sale as a homeowner. Yay!
Yes, we all did get sick this month - no fun, I tell you. Cleaning after two sick kids at the same time gets your stomach turning for sure. I am grateful this is now a thing of the past and everyone feeling much better.
I mentioned I got a new calling, now I get to serve as a Relief Society secretary, which I am excited about. There is a lot to learn and to do, but it sure is a new step for me towards progress.
Valentina is doing good at school and learning so much every day. I am amazed how much she's improving with her reading. That is of course, if she works hard enough. Math is very eazy for her at this point, and I really hope she continues this way. It is math she chooses to do first every day for her homework. I am thinking though, easy tasks should be left for later, when you're done with harder ones or less desirable ones. Well, good luck to me convincing Valentina)) Misha on the other hand, is learning everything from his sister. He is a very smart little guy. His vocabulary often amazes me.
Halloween was another new experience this year for us since now we could walk in our own community. There was a day-time community party with games, free hot-dogs, cotton candy, treats, costume contests and fun. And there was a night time trick-or-treating. Tons of candy yet another year worth. )) I made kids' costumes this year. They both wore matching pirates outfits, which I thought were cute.
And one more thing I loved doing this month was saving money for our family with all-new saving trick I learned. Check out my previous post to learn about it.
Kevin's birthday party
Valentina and Misha at Peyton's birthday party Being silly - find Waldo, aka Valentina and Misha This little trick Misha does every time he watches TVEverything ready to make a birdfeeder - pinecone, peanut butter, crushed peanuts Halloween treats My two little halloweeners