Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Keeping them busy without TV (second trial)

I have to say though, we didn't completely ditch TV, because "one-car situation" makes it really hard to come up with a lot of activities and entertainment at home. So, we just minimized TV time to about 2 movies a day instead of 5 (hey, I need a little rest time from my over-active kids). I am hoping to cut down even more later.
And I have to say, we were busy. Yesterday I ransacked kids section of Michaels' store for some projects, hoping to stretch them for weeks. Haha, my kids were done with them all in a day. Next time I'll have to hide the fun stuff before they get to it.
So, these were the projects for today:

Both kids worked on these funfusion projects (cat and caterpillar) and also this butterfly foam puzzle (that one took a minute)

My little artists at work (and their finished projects)
I got carried away a little

Of course, they played with LEGO ;-))

Our guinea pig Whiskers is not exactly a project, but I thought he deserves to be here, since he got his bath today (rare occasion for a guinea pig) and is looking so handsome.